Graviola - biljka koja pobjeđuje rak: travnja 2016

Rak: uzrok nastanka kiselost tijela?

boutenko zeleno za zdravlje
Victoria Boutenko: Zeleno za zdravlje

Rak i kiselost organizma

U ovom postu skrećemo pozornost na studije Nobelovca dr. Warburga o uzroku nastanka raka, opisane u knjizi ZELENO ZA ZDRAVLJE, autorice Victorie Boutenko. Ona u svojoj knjizi piše:
I u Rusiji i u Sjedinjenim Državama primijetila sam da se glavna struja medicine fokusira na sporedne uzroke bolesti. Za mene je to kao da golim rukama guramo automobil koji je ostao bez benzina umjesto da ga napunimo benzinom, ili kao da tješimo gladne ljude umjesto da ih nahranimo. Dakle, što je glavni uzrok bolesti? Danas imamo cijelo more zbunjujućih informacija i članke u kojima razni stručnjaci iznose razne razloge bolesti. Međutim, osobno mislim da je glavni razlog bolesti vrlo jasno objašnjen još 1931. godine! Prije više od 75 godina Otto Warburg dobio je Nobelovu nagradu za svoje otkriće da je uzrok raka oslabljeno stanično disanje zbog nedostatka kisika na staničnoj razini. Prema Warburgu, narušeno stanično disanje dovodi do fermentacije, što rezultira niskim pH (kiselošću) na staničnoj razini.

Dr. Warburg je u svojoj studiji za koju mu je dodijeljena Nobelova nagrada ilustrirao okolinu kancerozne stanice. Normalna zdrava stanica prolazi kroz negativne promjene kada više ne može primati kisik kako bi pretvarala glukozu u energiju. U nedostatku kisika, stanica pribjegava prvobitnom programu prehrane pretvorbom glukoze kroz proces fermentacije. Mliječna kiselina koju stvara fermentacija snižava stanični pH (acidobazičnu ravnotežu) i razara sposobnost DNK i RNK da kontroliraju dijeljenje stanice. Nakon toga stanice se počinju množiti. Mliječna kiselina istovremeno izaziva jake lokalne bolove jer uništava stanične enzime. Rak se javlja kao brzorastući vanjski stanični pokrov s jezgrom od mrtvih stanica.

Dr. Otto Warburg završio je jedan od svojih najslavnijih govora sljedećom tvrdnjom: «...danas nitko ne može reći da se ne zna što je rak i što je njegov glavni uzrok. Naprotiv, nema bolesti čiji bi glavni uzrok bio bolje poznat, i zato neznanje danas nije izgovor da se ne može poduzeti više u pogledu prevencije

Otto Warburg dobio je Nobelovu nagradu za to što je pokazao da rak buja LI anaerobnim (bez kisika) ili kiselim uvjetima. Drugim riječima, glavni uzrok raka je kiselost ljudskog tijela. U vrijeme kad sam pročitala njegov genijalni govor on je već odavna bio mrtav. Pitam se, ako je to otkriće bilo tako važno da je za njega dobio Nobelovu nagradu, zašto svi nisu upoznati s  tim što je pH?

Čim su znanstvenici otkrili kakvi bi trebali biti zdrav ljudski krvni tlak i temperatura, izumljeni su uređaji za njihovo mjerenje. Svaki puta kad bih otišla k liječniku izmjerili bi mi krvni tlak i temperaturu, ali ne sjećam se da mi je liječnik ikada izmjerio pH. Visok krvni tlak i vrućica, iako nisu ugodni, ne izazivaju rak. Kiselo stanje krvi ga izaziva. To je dokazao dr. Warburg, znanstvenik međunarodnog ugleda. Zato mi se čini da je od presudne važnosti informacije o pH odmah učiniti svima dostupnima.

Osobno smatram vrlo opravdanim da djeca uče pH indeks svih namirnica u školi i da bi sve namirnice koje se prodaju javnosti trebale imati pH indeks ispisan na etiketi sa sadržajem, zajedno s kalorijama i hranjivim tvarima. Na primjer, sir parmezan trebao bi imati crvenu upozoravajuću etiketu s pH znakom koji kaže da stvara ekstremnu kiselost -34! S druge strane, špinat bi mogao imati znak zlatne medalje s indeksom pH +14, kao izvrsna, alkalizirajuća hrana. Indeksi pH izmjereni su u biokemijskim laboratorijima i nije ih moguće pogoditi samo po izgledu hrane. Neke namirnice iznenađujuće su alkalne ili kisele; na primjer, većina ljudi začudi se kada sazna da je limun jedno od najjače alkalizirajućeg voća, dok orasi blago zakiseljuju tijelo. Smatram da je važno da piramida namirnica američkog Ministarstva poljoprivrede počne iskazivati pH različitih namirnica što je prije moguće. Vjerujem da bi se zdravlje mnogih ljudi moglo odmah popraviti kad bi znali birati alkalizirajuću hranu koja ima bolji učinak na ljudsko zdravlje. Potpun popis pH vrijednosti različitih namirnica možete pronaći u knjizi The pH Miracle (pH čudo) Roberta Younga.

Graviola: čudesno drvo

graviola stablo i plodovi
Drvo graviole sa plodovima

Graviola - genealogija čudesnog drveta

Graviola drvo raste u toplim tropskim područjima u Sjevernoj i Južnoj Americi te u jugoistočnoj Aziji. Najbolje i najkvalitetnije listove i sok daju drveća koja rastu u Južnoj Americi (posebice u Peruu). Razlog tome je najveća koncentracija aktivne tvari zvane Acetogenini

Znanstvena istraživanja su pokazala da ovo čudesno drvo može učinkovito izliječiti velik broj različitih tipova raka. Međutim, velike farmaceutske tvrtke nisu potaknule njenu proizvodnju zbog razloga što im nije profitabilno da se prodaje kao pojedinačni prirodni proizvod.



Obitelj: Annonaceae
Rod: Annona
Vrsta: Muricata
Sinonimi: Annona macrocarpa, A. bonplandiana, A. cearensis, Guanabanus muricatus.
Uobičajena imena: graviola, soursop (čest naziv u svijetu, posebice u engleskom govornom području), brazilska šapica-šapica, guanabana, guanabano, guanavana, guanaba, corossol epineux, huanaba, togebanreisi, durian benggala, nagka blanda, cachiman epineux.

Iskoristivi dijelovi biljke: list (dio koji je najbogatiji aktivnom tvari acetogeninima koji čine ovu biljku snažnim uništavačem stanica raka), plod, sjeme, kora, korijenje.

Graviola je po veličini malo, uspravno zimzeleno drvo koje raste 5-6 metara u visinu s velikim tamno zelenim i sjajnim lišćem. Ovo drvo proizvodi velike srcolike jestive plodove veličine 15-25 cm, žuto zelene boje, s bijelim mesom. Plodovi graviole se prodaju u lokalnim dućanima u tropima gdje je zvana Guanabana ili brazilska tropska jabuka i odlična je za pripremu napitaka i šerbeta.

Djelovanje - dio Graviole


Svaki dio Graviole ljekovit je na svoj način, no ipak lišće graviole se ističe najvećim brojem ljekovitih svojstava.
Antikancerogeno: Lišće, stabljike
Antitumorno: Lišće
Antibakterijsko: Kora, lišće

Antiastmatično: Lišće
Antiparazitno: Sjeme, kora, lišće, plod

Antigljivično: Lišće
Antispazmodično (
smiruje grčenje mišiće organa za probavu): Lišće
Smirijuće: Lišće
Antimalarijsko: Lišće
Antidijabetsko: Lišće

Antiupalno: Lišće
Vazodilatorno (potiče širenje krvnih žila): Lišće
Pektoralno: Cvijeće

Antivirusno: Lišće
Antidepresivno: Lišće
Cirkulatorno: Lišće 
Antineuralgično: Lišće
Antidijaroično (liječi dijareju): Plod
Antiartritično: Lišće
Antireumatično: Lišće
Amebicidno: Kora
Insekticidno: Lišće i korijen

Pesticidno: Sjeme
Antihipertenzivno (smanjuje krvni tlak): Lišće

Graviola - a herb that kills cancer

graviola fruit and leaves
Graviola fruit and leaves
Deep in the Amazon rainforest quietly grows a herb which revolutionized the understanding of cancer treatment, both among physicians and among patients worldwide. The increasing number of patients of recovered health and their stories testify to its effectiveness. This herb for which the world outside the Amazon area did not know until recently, is a real gem from treasury of natural pharmacy.
Graviola, going by the Latin name of Annona muricata, is an evergreen plant native to South America. Its ripe fruits are a source of vitamins C, B1, B2 and phosphorus, while its bark, leaf, root, fruit and seeds have been used for centuries in the medicine of the South American Indians. In Peru its leaves were consumed for calming purposes, as a diuretic and an analgesic. In Brazil it is served as a treatment for liver and other issues with numerous health difficulties such as arthritis, asthma, heart diseases and bile. Its fruit and juice are traditionally used to treat fever, diarrhea, and to stimulate the secretion of milk in nursing mothers. A real miraculous herb!


We learned about the medicinal properties of Graviola from one of the largest U.S. drug manufacturers that subjected this plant to more than 20 laboratory tests that were conducted since the 1970's. Studies have shown that bioactive compounds of Graviola - Annona Acetogenins, whose concentration is highest in the leaves, are killing malignant cells of as many as 12 types of carcinoma, including cancers of the colon, breast, prostate, lung and the pancreas. Studies from the Catholic University of South Korea and Purdue University of Indiana in the United States have confirmed that bioactive compounds of Graviola selectively target and kill cancer cells precisely several hundred times more effectively than chemotherapy itself. Just the opposite to chemotherapy, which has a devastating effect on the whole body, Annona Acetogenin destroys only cancer cells, leaving healthy cells intact and providing support to a weakened organism! These studies were published in the "Journal of Natural Products."


American National Center for Cancer Research - NCI conducted the first scientific research about the anti-carcinogenic capabilities of this herb in 1976. Results indicated that the substances from the leaves and stems of Graviola tree are effective in attacking and destroying malignant cells. Large pharmaceutical companies have kept this discovery away from the public. According to the federal law that says that the natural ingredient or a plant cannot be patented, therefore they had no possibility to achieve a serious profit from the commercialization of this natural remedy. Instead they tried to synthesize the most powerful ingredient of Graviola, which destroys cancer cells. After seven years of unsuccessful testing they closed the project with large losses and decided not to share their research with the public. Due to the financial interests of the pharmaceutical companies that kept this nature's blessing a secret solely for profit, thousands of people were dying daily not knowing that the answer to the prevention and cure of cancer is at their fingertips - in the nature. Fortunately, one of the scientists who participated in this research has publicly spoken about the benefits of Graviola whose blessings in the last decade have become available worldwide. A whole range of later on conducted researches have confirmed the effectiveness of Graviola, but the results have often remained away from the eyes of the public.


Scientists at the Purdue Institute Oberlies, Chang, and McLaughlin discovered that cancer cells which are resistant to chemotherapy (MDR cells - Multi Drug Resistant), can effectively be treated by Acetogenins from Graviola. These cancer cells develop resistance to chemotherapy treatments, wasting vast amounts of cellular energy (ATP) to get rid of chemotherapy drugs. At this point, Annona Acetogenins enter the stage which effectively blocks the transfer of ATP into the cancer cells. Without the necessary energy they cannot carry out their life functions and shortly they die off. It is also important to note that due to the above process this miraculous herb affects only cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact.


It is now known that Graviola, other than the fact that it specifically kills cancer cells, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the internal organs and healing of endocrine system disorders. It is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent for bacterial and fungicidal infections, anti-parasitic agent against internal parasites and worms, an anti-hypertension remedy, used also as a sedative and an anti-depressant. It shows significant results in the treatment of heart disease, asthma, type 2 diabetes and liver diseases. Graviola destroys cancer cells without any harmful side effects, strengthens the immune system, protects against infections, establishes normal organ functioning soothes and restores life energy and a positive life attitude. Graviola also shows excellent results in raising the immunity during and after chemotherapy and in patients infected with HIV.

Graviola leaves contain the highest number of Acetogenins and the smallest number of alkaloids than any other part of the its tree, therefore the consumption of these is favorable to the organism within the recommended daily dose. Pregnant women and people diagnosed with Parkinson's disease must not consume Graviola. People who take medication to lower blood pressure or people who have low blood pressure should monitor it while taking Graviola as it lowers blood pressure and soothes.


It is best to mix Graviola powder with warm (not hot) water and drink it at night before going to sleep. It is recommended to drink up to 3 grams of Graviola powder minced leaves a day, and for health maintenance one small teaspoon (1 gram) is sufficient. The recommended dose of 5 grams per day should not be exceeded. With us, Graviola can be purchased in a powder form that can be mixed with warm water as a tea or can be mixed into a variety of beverages (herbal tea, juice, yogurt, milk) and in the form of tablets made of pure Graviola powder, with NO additives. We advise you to take care of your health and use only preparations of tested origin.


Graviola (Annona muricata) is a small evergreen tree belonging to the Annonaceae family with large dark green leaves that can grow up to 5 meters and does not tolerate frost. It is known for its large, aromatic cordate fruit, yellow-green in color with a white pulp of rich taste that grows up to 30 cm in size. It thrives on poor soil and prefers altitude areas of 0-1200 meters above sea level. Its natural habitats are the countries of neotropical regions of the Caribbean, Central and South America as well as Africa. However, today this herb is cultivated over a much wider area because of its extraordinary properties and an ever-increasing demand for its fruits and leaves rich in bioactive ingredients of Acetogenin.


In Spanish-speaking countries, its name is Guanabana, in Brazil it is known as Graviola while in English it is called Soursop or Brazilian pawpaw. The fruit itself is sold on local markets of the mentioned countries, and the pulp is used to prepare a variety of drinks and sorbets. Mildly bitter liquid found in the fruit, is drinkable.


Different parts of this miraculous tree - its bark, leaf, root, fruit and seeds, have been used for centuries in medicine of the South American Indians. In Peru its leaves were consumed for calming purposes, as a diuretic and an analgesic. In Brazil it was served as a treatment for liver and other issues with numerous health difficulties such as arthritis, asthma, heart diseases and bile. In the modern age, Graviola leaves are recommended by doctors and scientists around the world in the battle against various types of cancer.

VIDEO: Liječnici o Gravioli


Cijenjeni prof. dr. sc. Ante Bolanča, dr. med., specijalist radiologije i onkologije iz Hrvatske, prepoznaje vrijednosti Graviole u jačanju imuniteta, a posebice kod pacijenata koji prolaze terapiju kemoterapije te preporuča korištenje Graviole.
  • “Djelovanje Graviole posebno se učinkovitim pokazalo kod pacijenata koji se liječe od raka kemoterapijom i zračenjem. Upravo u tom periodu Graviola izuzetno osnažuje oslabljeni imunitet pacijenata” – istaknuo je prof. dr. sc. Ante Bolanča, spec. radioterapije i onkologije.
  • Profesor Bolanča preporučuje i preventivno korištenje Graviole jer, zahvaljujući velikoj prirodnoj koncentraciji acetogenina, snažno podržava optimalno funkcioniranje imunološkog sustava i pomaže mu da se uspješnije brani od svih patogena koji ga mogu oslabiti.
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Iskustva izlječenja raka možete pročitati OVDJE (gđa. Stela) i OVDJE (gđa. Vanja Andriollo).

Studies of Graviola suggest very positive effect on diabetes

graviola diabetes effects study

Graviola and diabetes

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the world today. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that affects the way glucose is regulated in the blood, thereof the supply of cells with nutrients i.e. energy. Diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the insulin for some reason ceases to be effective in the organism. There are two types of diabetes. The first type of diabetes, type I (hereditary), is an autoimmune disease and can be controlled exclusively by injecting synthetic insulin. It is very rare and it most frequently affects people already at an earlier age.

The second type of diabetes, type II (acquired), occurs due to low quality living habits that include poor and undiversified diet, lack of physical activity and high levels of stress. Type II diabetes can be effectively regulated by exercise, mental pattern changes and healthy diet. However, because of human attachment to their lifestyle they rather resort to medications that artificially and forcefully regulate blood glucose levels within the desired limits, which is definitely not healthy nor desirable for several reasons. One of them is the increase of bad cholesterol while the other is a large oscillation in the levels of insulin and glucose in the blood, which causes many other health problems.

Scientists claim that Graviola has properties that can help in the prevention of type II diabetes (acquired), or help maintain blood glucose levels in the appropriate values ​​when the disease has already occurred. Graviola, Annona muricata, is a very popular remedy for diabetes in parts of Africa and South America, including Peru, where it has been used for centuries for the normalization of blood glucose levels. Graviola contains biologically active ingredients; Acetogenins that help regulate blood sugar levels, preventing large oscillations, a sudden increase or decrease in blood glucose levels. In any case, you should consult with your doctor before taking Graviola.

The laboratory study published in 2008 in the "African Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicine", has described the effect on animals with diabetes that were fed for two weeks with Graviola. It turns out that, without any additional treatment of diabetes, their blood glucose level was close to the normal range. In the same year and in the same journal, another study was published in which researchers discovered that the animals with diabetes fed with Graviola had higher levels of healthy antioxidants in the blood and lower levels of unhealthy fats (cholesterol) in the blood along with lesser liver damage than animals fed with placebo.

Even though the clinical studies of Graviola on humans with diabetes are still lacking, the aforementioned laboratory studies are promising and suggest a very positive effect of Graviola on metabolism disorders, thereof diabetes.